- Tags: gluten free, gluteen

Baking our gluten-free almond macaroons
All you need to know about gluten-free
For some years now, the term «gluten-free» has become familiar with consumers. Impossible (or almost) to miss a recipe for pie or gluten-free bread in a magazine, or to cross a shelf in the supermarket without seeing the famous logo with the ear of wheat crossed on some products. Gluten-free is therefore present on a daily basis but do you really know what it is?
What is the gluten?
First of all, before speaking «without» we must understand «gluten». Gluten is a mixture of proteins naturally contained in stray cereals such as wheat, barley, spelt etc. and it is it that will give elasticity and binding to a dough (remember: gluten has the same root as «glue»). Otherwise, you can expect friable textures or Estouffe-gari* (we come from Provence, we don’t do it again!).
Who is the “glutenfree” for?
We distinguish two types of people: those with gluten sensitivity and who will be more comfortable by reducing their consumption; and intolerant, or celiac patients, who must carefully follow a 100% gluten-free diet or risk serious repercussions on their body. In figures, there are currently 5 million regular gluten-free consumers in France (Source: AFP/ SIAL 2016) with an estimate of at least 600,000 intolerant people. (Source: AFDIAG/ Association française des intolerants au gluten)
Over the past 10 years, food companies have therefore launched the race for gluten-free products by replacing wheat flour with other ingredients such as rice flour, chestnut flour or, less friendly, by cheaper and not very healthy ingredients such as guar gum (or guar flour/ E412) or xanthan (E415) which are thickeners. Be careful, «gluten-free» does not necessarily mean «good for health», it only means that you will not find ingredients based on cereals, and that is why you must be extra vigilant by reading the lists of ingredients.
Gluten-free biscuits and cakes at the Biscuiterie de Provence
For information, at Biscuiterie de Provence, we have been making NATURALLY gluten-free for more than 20 years with recipes devoid of gluten but terribly gourmet! Because we must not believe that «gluten-free» means «tasteless», especially at home! Rich in almonds, our gluten-free cookies and cakes, certified with the AFDIAG logo, do not need «false gluten» to have an ultra melting texture and an inimitable taste!
Hoping to have helped you to decipher the main lines of the gluten-free, other articles will come to deepen the file!
*Estouffe-gari: Suffocation-Christian/ Suffocation-stepmother in Provençal